Fersands Updates
Scottish Charity Awards
Fersands SCIO wins Scottish Charity Awards! Claire Whyte, Senior Development Worker travelled down to Glasgow with 2 volunteers and were very surprised and delighted to win a prize at the prestigious event. SCVO Scottish Charities Community Impact Award was awarded for the anti-poverty services offered by the Woodside based charity.
Services such as the Community Café, Charity Shop, Community Pantry, and Free Shoppers Bus, which all save residents money and brings people together, were the main reasons for winning the prize.
The trophy takes pride of place in the office (next to last year’s Celebrate Aberdeen’s Small organization of the year Award) to remind workers and volunteers of all the great work they do!
Nursery garden completed!
At long last, after over one year of stop – start works the Fersands Nursery Garden is complete. Staff and families are delighted with the whole transformation and the new learning opportunities provided.
The new Patio doors and Canopy Shelter provides cover so the kids can go out in all weathers. The soft surfaces make the areas safer with opportunity to dig and grow or run or cycle along the decked pathways and use their imagination at the other play spaces. Does your family use the Nursery, do you ever walk past the service.
Adult Art Group
Are you interested in art or crafting and would like to learn more at our Woodside setting please come and let us know.
Theatre Promotion Woodside
Adults interested in helping to bring theatre shows to Woodside, help promoting theatre acting helping get performances booked at the centre promoting local performances Come and learn how we can promote theatre in the community to help get more people come to the centre and set up exciting performances in the community.
Woodside Men’s Group First Meeting
Come along, have a coffee and a chat and agree what activities you would like to try for the next ten weeks.
Visit places around Aberdeen, Play Pool, Chess or cards, go for a walk, try out some musical instruments, get guests speakers in?
Creative writing Group and short story competition (Adults)
Woodside Creative Writers Group to start meeting at the end of August!
Short story award entries by end September writing group meeting new members welcome August 24th,
Walking Group for Woodside check dates with Sports Aberdeen
Singing Group for anyone interested in a choir community singing group to have fun practice singing but we need to find a singing tutor / piano player.
Denis Law Café Connection
One of the world’s best ever football players and the only Scot to ever win the Ballon D’or (European player of the year) was brought up in Printfield Terrace.
His achievements are being recognized and celebrated by creating an interactive walkway around Woodside which will end at the Woodside Centre Café. This might be an opportunity to rebrand the café and create a signature menu .Do you fancy An AC Torino Cappuccino, a Man United Mocha, Huddersfield Town Hot Dog or the The Lawman’s Lasagna? Let us know what you think about this idea.
Parent & Toddler group starting August
Come along on a Tuesday morning with your toddler to meet other mums and play in a safe friendly setting and enjoy tea & snack. Help your child to learn to socialize and make friends, have fun and get good exercise.