Woodside resident, Mike Melvin, has become the first person to be awarded an Honorary Denis Law RGUplus Award.
The Denis Law RGUplus Award recognises exceptional contribution to volunteering and extensive commitment to the lives of others through leadership, talent, expertise.
Mike has over 38 years’ experience supporting volunteering, having first volunteered while still at school. Mike currently works at ACVO-the Third Sector Interface for Aberdeen where he is the Volunteering Services Manager, helping build the tremendous contribution volunteers and the community make and volunteers in his spare time with organisations such as Cornerstone, Health Services Research Unit, Rowett Institute, Scottish Fire & Rescue Public Participation Group, shmu, local community groups, is a recipient of the Margaret E Morrison Garthdee Spirit of the Community Awards and a Northfield Champion Award. He further serves the community in his role as a Deputy Lieutenant for the City of Aberdeen.
Mike is also a well-known regular on shmu community radio, where ‘Mike on the Mic’, presents the weekly So Why Don’t You programme, which promotes all the latest news from the wonderful world of volunteering, community and third sector.
Mike was presented with the Award by RGU Head of Employability & Community Engagement, Laura Chalmers as part of the RGU Graduation Ceremony.
On being awarded the Denis Law RGUplus Award Mike stated that he is surprised and very much honoured to receive the award. Mike is dedicated to recognising and thanking all the amazing volunteers we have in Aberdeen and encouraging even more people to get involved in volunteering, making a real, positive difference for people, our communities and all aspects of life in Aberdeen. He states that he is therefore delighted that this fantastic Denis Law RGUplus Award has been created, which Mike says brings together all that is good about Aberdeen – the Denis Law Legacy Trust – a renowned, excellent charity and of course volunteering which Aberdeen excels in.
The Denis Law Legacy Trust added ‘Congratulations to Mike Melvin on becoming the first ever recipient of the honorary Denis Law RGUplus Award! We are delighted to recognise Mike’s dedication and commitment to supporting volunteering in Aberdeen with this award. Well done Mike and thank you for all that you do.’
For more information about volunteering in Aberdeen and the Denis Law Legacy Trust please visit: www.volunteeraberdeen.org.uk and www.denislawlegacytrust.org